2008. aasta on Euroopa kultuuridevahelise dialoogi aasta, mille kandvaks ideeks on, et Euroopa kultuuriline mitmekesisus on haruldus ja väärtus. Euroopa Liidu laienemise ja globaliseerumise tagajärjel on Euroopa muutumas kultuuriliselt üha mitmekesisemaks, tuues kokku erinevaid keeli, religioone, etnilisi ja kultuurilisi taustu. Sellest tulenevalt mängib kultuuridevaheline dialoog suurt rolli ka Euroopa identiteedi ja kodanikuks olemise juures. Temaatilise aasta kaudu soovitakse julgustada eurooplasi enam uurima suure kultuurilise pärandi võimalusi ja eeliseid. Käesolevaga kutsume üles osalema Euroopa kultuuridevahelise dialoogi aasta raames toimuval põneval fotokonkursil “Cultures on my street”!
Julget pealehakkamist soovides, Euroopa Noored Eesti büroo Dear reader,
picture the cultures on your street! This is a special newsletter on the “Cultures on my street” photo initiative of the European Union. In the framework of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008, this competition challenges everyone living in the EU to grab a camera and capture their vision of intercultural dialogue.
Focus on intercultural dialogue, as the borders in Europe fade, more and more people from different cultures, lifestyles and backgrounds are coming together and mingling their voices in a growing dialogue of stories and experiences. As Europe grows together in its diversity, the European Commissionchallenges YOU to picture your vision of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity in the photo competition “Cultures on my street”. All EU residents, regardless of age or origin, amateurs as well as professional photographers, are invited to participate!
How to participate?
Entries for “Cultures on my street” can be uploaded on the competition’s website www.street-cultures.eu There are no borders to your imagination – the only condition is that the photographic work depicts your vision of intercultural dialogue. Inspiration for the theme could be found, for example, in the fields of education, religion, migration, science, culture, minority groups, youth, or anywhere where you see intercultural dialogue taking place. Editing and retouching of photos is allowed as well as submitting photo collages and montages. Selecting the lucky winners.
The deadline for entries is 30th June 2008 and altogether four winners will be selected from all valid entries. Three of them will be chosen by a jury of established artists and leading figures on intercultural issues. The jury will judge the entries according to their interpretation of the topic, creativity, clarity of message as well as on their universal appeal. The fourth winner, for “the Public’s Favourite” award, will be chosen from 20 preselected finalists through online voting by visitors to the competition website. So, remember to tell your family and friends to check out the site and feel free to cast your vote for your fellow photographers.
What can I win?
Fabulous prizes, such as professional cameras and trips to European capital cities, will be awarded to the four winners. Altogether the prizes have a total value of approximately 15.000 Euros! The four winners will also be invited to an award ceremony in Brussels in September 2008, which will be accompanied by the official launch of the travelling exhibition showcasing the winning pictures and short-listed entries as it starts its journey through Europe. Last but not least, the winning photos will be used in future materials highlighting the benefits of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity. This means that your winning creation could be seen by people all across Europe!
Visit: www.street-cultures.eu
Imprint European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture
Tour Madou,
Place Madou
E-mail: info@street-cultures.eu
How to participate?
Entries for “Cultures on my street” can be uploaded on the competition’s website www.street-cultures.eu There are no borders to your imagination – the only condition is that the photographic work depicts your vision of intercultural dialogue. Inspiration for the theme could be found, for example, in the fields of education, religion, migration, science, culture, minority groups, youth, or anywhere where you see intercultural dialogue taking place. Editing and retouching of photos is allowed as well as submitting photo collages and montages. Selecting the lucky winners.
The deadline for entries is 30th June 2008 and altogether four winners will be selected from all valid entries. Three of them will be chosen by a jury of established artists and leading figures on intercultural issues. The jury will judge the entries according to their interpretation of the topic, creativity, clarity of message as well as on their universal appeal. The fourth winner, for “the Public’s Favourite” award, will be chosen from 20 preselected finalists through online voting by visitors to the competition website. So, remember to tell your family and friends to check out the site and feel free to cast your vote for your fellow photographers.
What can I win?
Fabulous prizes, such as professional cameras and trips to European capital cities, will be awarded to the four winners. Altogether the prizes have a total value of approximately 15.000 Euros! The four winners will also be invited to an award ceremony in Brussels in September 2008, which will be accompanied by the official launch of the travelling exhibition showcasing the winning pictures and short-listed entries as it starts its journey through Europe. Last but not least, the winning photos will be used in future materials highlighting the benefits of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity. This means that your winning creation could be seen by people all across Europe!
Visit: www.street-cultures.eu
Imprint European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture
Tour Madou,
Place Madou
E-mail: info@street-cultures.eu
NB! Kuna konkursi lõpuni on veel kenakesti aega on soovitav see konkurss endale kalendrisse üles märkida. NB!
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