Üks põnev projekt, mis koosneb kolmest osast, meid muidugi huvitab kõige enam see teine muidugi. Osalegem!

On the occasion of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, Europe Direct Firenze together with Nerbini Publishing House, promotes the first edition of "Imago Europae" Contest, a multidisciplinary competition.
The competition is divided in three sections:
1. "With the Words" novel and short story,
2. "With the Eyes": photography,
3. "With the Ideas": gadget design.
Anyone is free to participate, if he/she is at least 16 years old and resident in one of the EU member states or one of the Mediterranean countries. Participants may choose to register in one or more sections, but he/she is allowed to send only one work per section.
The works will has to be sent only and exclusively by e-mail to imagoeuropae@comune.fi.it no later than April 6, 2008 and must be accompanied by the entry form. The contestants are request to fill in the attached participation form (Annex 1) with their data, and they must entitle their work with the same title provided in the form.
The works will has to be sent only and exclusively by e-mail to imagoeuropae@comune.fi.it no later than April 6, 2008 and must be accompanied by the entry form. The contestants are request to fill in the attached participation form (Annex 1) with their data, and they must entitle their work with the same title provided in the form.
The winner of each category will receive a prize of à 500,00 €.
1. Object
The picture’s subject should capture your vision of intercultural dialogue. Inspiration for the topic could be found in the fields of education, religion, migration, science, culture, minority groups or youth.
2. Photo RequirementsIt’s possible to explore the possibility of retouching and editing your photos, or making photo collages and montages. No copyrighted material may be used in the entries. Contributions must have a title (in Italian or English) and can include a short explanation using a maximum of 150 words (in Italian or English). Photos must be submitted digitally by email in the following format: 2480 x 3508 - 72dpi in jpeg. No more than 2 MB. But the high resolution master copy (300 dpi) has to be available after the selection.
3. Selection criteriaThe jury will select one winner based on the following considerations:
• Interpretation and portrayal of the topic "Intercultural Dialogue"
• Creativity and originality of expression
• Photocomposition: clarity of message
• Universal appeal of the image(s)
• Ability to catch the viewer’s attention
Igatahes, kes soov osaleda andku teada, saadan talle e-maili peale lisa, mis tuleb osalemiseks sellel konkursil täita. Saan ka saata täieliku projekti tutvustuse, kus on kirjas ka osalemisreeglid jms. Ei tahtnud seda kõike siia kopeerida.