neljapäev, juuni 24, 2010
reede, juuni 18, 2010
laupäev, juuni 12, 2010
"Minu Soome" fotonäitus Turus Viro-keskuses
neljapäev, juuni 10, 2010
IMAGO Europæ - Fight against the poverty and the social exclusion
On the occasion of the European Year 2010, the coordination of the Tuscan Europe Direct centres – part of the Europe Direct information and communication network of the European Union ‐ announces the Photo Contest “NO1OUT”, third edition of “IMAGO europæ”, this year is dedicated to the theme of “Fight against the poverty and the social exclusion.”
The main objective of the contest is to photograph old and new poverties in Europe. Participants are asked to report in a photo a situation of poverty or social exclusion found in the European Union territory.
How to participate: Fill in the application form including a photo short explanation (maximum 150 words) in Italian or English and send it together with the photo by e‐mail to imagoeuropae@comune.fi.it no later than the 30th of July 2010.
Read the Regulation (EN).
Download the application form (en)
laupäev, juuni 05, 2010
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