Üks fotorkonkurss ja festival. Soovitan.

Fotokonkurss tuleb Türgist Halic'u ülikoolist. Vanusepiirangut pole ja teema on suhteliselt põnev, samuti on auhinnalaud pikk. Fotod peaks Türki jõudma enne 19. oktoobrit.
Halic University International Exhibition of
Photography Istanbul PSA Recognition
"The nature, the history, the culture and
the daily life of the city you are living in"
Teine pakkumine on festivali kohta.
Lisaks üks teade festivalist, kuhu oodatakse nii osalejaid kui fotode ja lühifilmide näol panustajaid! Korraldajad katavad nii majutuse, toidu, kui kohaliku transpordi kulud! Kandideerimisvorm leitav meie kodulehelt: http://euroopa.noored.ee/34541
ANTiM and Youth Generation NGO are organizing "Building the All Different All Equal Campaign Together" Festival between 5- 12 October, 2007, Chisinau, Moldova. The Festival is organized with the support of European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.
Call for participants:
"Building the campaign together" means that you can be one of the Festival participants. Together with other 25 international youngsters you can get involved in the Final Event of the ADAE campaign in Moldova.
The Festival consists from 3 campaign dates:
1. Human Rights Day – we will go to a children protection house to discuss Human Rights Education issue pointing on Children rights.
2. Diversity Day – we will meet with young people from different counties with different cultures, religion, backgrounds etc. and explore the diversity issues.
3. Participation Day – we will meet with young leaders from NGOs and government sector and discuss the importance of the NGOs in the participatory life.
On the last day of the Festival will be organized a concert together with photo gallery, video presentation, music and other activities. Still interested in the most creative activity of this year?
If you are a young person between 18-25 years old, have leadership and multiplying abilities, eager to discover other cultures and learn about All Different All Equal Campaign then fulfill the application form and send it by 20 September to our e-mail: festival@youth-generation.org with your CV.
The host organization will provide accommodation, meal and local transport. There is no participation fee but you are responsible to cover your international travel costs.
Call for photos and short movies:
The final day of the Festival will be a concert together with photo gallery, video films projection, materials presentation and a nice music night.
You also have the opportunity to contribute to the All Different All Equal Campaign. If you have any short video or photos related to the All Different All Equal Campaign of Diversity, Human Rights and participation, then send it by 20 September on the email or address stated below together with your CV and a small presentation about your material.
Your photos and films gonna be seen by more then 400 people. All the materials will be published in the final DVD and the most interesting once on the Youth Generation web page.
Attention! Please, provide the materials by keeping the following technical requirements:
Format: JPG, TIFF. Resolution: at least 2048x1536. Size: max 5 MB
Resolution: at least 352x288. Size: max 30 MB
All Different All Equal includes …YOU! Welcome to our Festival!
If you have any question don't hesitate to ask us,
Responsible person: Viorica Topor
str. Vasile Lupu 85A, of.39
Chisinau ,MD 2008
Republic of Moldova